Wednesday, 26 February 2025

REVIEW - YOU AND ME - and all the feels

You and Me by Tal Bauer

Date read: 24th February 2025

My rating: 5*
Genre I reckon: M/M Romance with sports

Buy link: Amazon  

This is one of those books which is full of raw emotion in the most marvellous way. 

Luke is straight and a widower. At the start of this tale he's been struggling to come to terms with the loss of his wife. He's lost in darkness. Separately, so is his son, Emmett. They barely see each other, let alone talk. Their pain is visceral. 

Finally, Luke realises he has to try to make a change, to reach out to his son. But he has no idea how. Then a letter arrives from the booster club for his son's high school American football team. 

American football is a backdrop for this story of healing and recovery. It contains its own symbolism as the tale progresses. As is the artistic way Luke views the world, as his life gradually gets painted with colour. btw I'm not a sports fan but it totally works in this book.

Landon is a "super dad" and everything Luke wants to be. His son hugs him, gives him smiles, speaks to him... Happily, Landon is very generous. And, as the two sons are best friends, Landon helps show Luke the way. 

My heart broke a thousand times at every tentative baby step these guys took. There is so much fear - neither Luke nor his son can survive another loss. 

The love story is also gradual. And contains its own fears, not about the bi-awakening itself but all which surrounds this beautiful relationship and the impact it may have.

The characters leap off the page with a whole range of emotions and behaviours. By enduring the pain you're rewarded with endearing joy.

The writing is incredible. Descriptive and real, light and shade. 

What we're left with is a story of bravery, courage and fighting for a HEA. It's like one's drowning but coming up for life-affirming air. 

A heart-wrenching, sweet and little bit steamy book of gorgeousness. 

TWs: Loss/grief, drug misuse/addiction

Always in love and light,

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

REVIEW - THE GIRL FROM THE SEA - Up where it's better

The Girl From The Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag

Date read: 18th February 2025

My rating: 4*
Genre I reckon: YA F/F (Sapphic) Romance
Buy link: Amazon 

This is a graphic book, as in comic strip style, which itself is enchanting. 
And it's very sweet. 

Morgan is struggling with her young teenage years in the wake of her parents' divorce, which has affected her brother too. And then a selkie comes along to complicate things even further. 

It's full of metaphors, which I feel is useful for young teenagers coming to terms with being LGBTQIA+. There are a couple of timid kisses but nothing more, so it's very YA friendly.  And gives The Little Mermaid vibes.

Here's the thing; everyone's journey is different. And this story is quite clichĂ©d, admittedly. 
But once Megan's family and friends know her truth, they're accepting and supportive. 
It's a tale of trying to blend in with the crowd as you go through those difficult teenage years. And learning it's OK to be different.

The images are beautiful, the story is bumpy but meaningful, with a HFN (not a HEA). 

Always in love and light,

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

BOOK NEWS - New Book; Love Habit


I have a new book launching on 1st March 2025 (*releases party balloons*). 

It's called Love Habit.

I've written another historical romance, but this one's about monks in medieval/Tudor England (in 1485). Yes, you read that correctly - monks. 

Because when I was researching Love in the Roses, I discovered lots of odd marginalia images e.g. in psalters and books of hours, which made me curious. Monks drew those images, and they seemed to have a bottom fixation. 

I pondered this, and realised a monastery was the perfect place for a middle-classed, gay, young man to head to if he were trying to avoid marriage. And it didn't take very much digging to discover real life stories of gay monks (incl. saints). So, I decided to bring those stories into the light via fiction, with love. 

The Blurb

Two monks in love…

1485: Paul timidly enters Darenth Priory to avoid marriage. In good faith, he expects to live out his days in chaste devotion to God. But there is temptation lurking within the monastery walls.

For there is also another novice, Luke, who both resembles and sings like an angel. Is he a test? A gift? Paul must decide.

Can these two young men venerate love alongside liturgy? Or will they be cast out?

A religious yet irreverent story awaits.


NB This is a work of fiction about what may have been, told in first person POV; a positive, realistic LGBTQ+  story which probably happened many times over and deserves now to be shared in the light with love.

As England moves from the Medieval to the Tudor era, attitudes may be different than expected, even for Benedictine monks in the Catholic Church.

There are scenes of a mature nature, which require patience to discover.

Includes improper use of candles.


If you pre-order Love Habit in ebook format (before it launches on 1st March 2025), you will benefit from it's reduced price of $2.99 (£1.99).

Always in love and light,


Monday, 6 January 2025

REVIEW - GRAVE SECRETS - Truth Unearthed

Grave Secrets by Saffron Amatti

Date read: 6th January 2025

My rating: 5*
Genre I reckon: Cosy Mystery Aided By Ghosts 
Buy link: Amazon 

This is book 3 in the Lucas Rathbone Mysteries (book 1 review can be found here)

The series gives Poirot meets Ghost Whisperer vibes. You have glorious 1920s London and a quaint village. With a whole lot happening. 

I was really pleased to discover more about Tommy in this book. He's definitely a character with layers. A little bit ooh, a little bit whey! Only, in this book he's landed himself slap bang in the middle of trouble. Again. And so, his loyal friend, Clara has to dive in to try to help, along with her grumpy puppy fiancĂ©, Lucas Rathbone.

Lucas has ghosts who can talk to him. Fair ole talk his ear off, to be fair. Gives a chap a nasty headache. 

There's definitely more to Tommy's tragic past than previously realised. 
And I must say I'm warming to the guy. 

A well-written, thrilling, dangerous and intriguing tale!
One I heartily recommend. 

A great way to start my 2025 reading.

Always in love and light,

Saturday, 2 November 2024

REVIEW - EARTH SPELLS ARE EASY - Mid-life crises ain't though

Earth Spells Are Easy by Renee George

Date read: 2nd November 2024

My rating: 5*
Genre I reckon: Cosy Middle-Aged Witchery
Buy link: Amazon 

A middle-aged witch awakening - instant buy! Just what I was in the mood for without even knowing it.

So, Iris is 43 years old, freshly divorced, and has a teenaged son. What she really doesn't need right now is her magick sparking to life, as well as her garden gnome. But here we are! LOL 

I love this middle-aged self-discovery tale. It was a refreshing take on the trope. And there are certain characters who are super interesting - hello Keir! Linda is cutely rude; I kinda miss her original nickname for Iris. 

Well written, chaotic fun. Becoming a witch and crone in a potentially explosive way. 
I can't wait to read the next one! 

Always in love and light,

Tuesday, 29 October 2024


Switching Hour by Robyn Peterman

Date read: 29th October 2024

My rating: 4*
Genre I reckon: Paranormal Romcom
Buy link: Amazon 

Oh, where do I start with this? This book is utter chaos. In a good way. 
It started life as a short story which does show through.

So, Zelda has been in magick pokey on parole. She has tasks to fulfil, but the details are scanty at best. 
Now, this witch has had no good role models thus far, so she's shallow and self-serving, which is how she ended up on the wrong side of witch law to begin with. And her stint with an annoying cellmate has done nothing to calm her down. 
Her habit of never naming people or places the same thing twice is a little irksome yet funny.
She's a firecracker with the mouth of a sailor and a fashionista sense of style - and I kinda love her for it. 

Her resurrected cat familiar has a fondness for cleaning his bits. A lot! And is delightfully snarky. 

The love interest is also stand-offish and a bit alpha-hole. 

This book is fast paced and has a wonderful host of characters. And quite a lot of blood and pain.

All-in-all, a fun read. 

Always in love and light,

Sunday, 20 October 2024

REVIEW - PRINCE CHARMED - Ridicule is nothing to be scared of!

Prince Charmed by Duckie Mack

Date read: 19th October 2024

My rating: 5*
Genre I reckon: M/M Fairytale Romance 
Buy link: Amazon 

(yeah, I totally quoted the Prince Charming song in this blog post title - Adam and the Ants forever!)

A new book by one of my favourite authors which includes magick and a prince? I couldn't one-click fast enough!! 

So, Mal and Flor were separated when they were young, having grown up together in the royal palace. And they've been pining ever since. 
Poor Flor had to learn about his magick all on his own, but has created a successful business thank you very much (and looks like a totally hot wizard whilst doing so). 

I don't want to say too much. But the little magickal oopsies the prince suffer are cute and funny. 
But can Flor's kiss transform him back into his handsome prince? 

I only wish it was a bit longer. I want more! 

Always in love and light,